Bold & strong, your signature jewel says a lot about you, like the Latin Motto disc ring with orange sapphires
You feel naked without it. A ring you wear every day; if you looked at your hand and it wasn’t on your finger, something would be wrong. A ring that’s your talisman, your armour. A necklace you never ever take off. You sleep in it, you shower in it and it looks beautiful with everything you wear. Leaving aside an engagement ring or a wedding ring, do you have a signature piece that becomes you (and has become you) so totally that your friends would comment if you weren’t wearing it?
If you’re a low-key accessoriser who prefers not to change and match her jewellery to each day’s look, having a signature jewellery piece is a fuss-free way to go. If your grandfather’s gold signet ring is rarely off your finger and goes with your clean cut style, then that’s it – you have a style identifier that’s uniquely you. I have a friend whose boyfriend is Greek. She’s not really tempted to get the Greek key motif as a tattoo encircling her arm, but she is tempted by my Greek key ring in 18 karat gold, and she’ll wear it every day.
If your favourite jewel satisfies all the following criteria, then eureka! you’ve found your signature piece.
Tell me about your signature jewel and what it means to you.